Know the way
From the Natural Park of the Western Valleys to the cathedral of Jaca. From Somport or Canfranc to San Juan de la Peña.
A living landscape that speaks to us in a variety of ways through legends, rites and myths. Where the locals are the protagonists and their actions shape the environment, generating their own calendar of activities.
The stories flow, as did the almadías.
We are an open road. To the pilgrim, the hiker or the family tourist. Destination of our messages and experiences. With one foot in France and the other in Aragon, the landscape and history guide us through medieval labyrinths, lost kingdoms or goose games.
Awaken your inspiration. The path is a metaphor of time and a reflection, individual and universal. From the pilgrim’s shell to the North Star. From the origins of the kingdom to its international transcendence. From the hospital of Santa Cristina to the corrals, forts, ventas or bridges.
Follow the traces. The various museums and interpretation centres are a memory of the route.
Universe above and below. What is above, is below and vice versa. Astronomy and astrology are presented to us in the form of constellations, tales and myths of bears, the caves of Guixas or dolmens in Hecho. A star guides you along the route.
Guided by Nature. On the Way of St. James through Aragon, Nature places us in the place we occupy. It goes beyond the frontiers of the imaginable. It is the Pyrenees with a capital letter. From France to Puente la Reina. Like the very international vocation of the route.
Ecomuseums and nature interpretation centres help us to do so in Ansó, Borce, Etsaut, Lourdios. Passes, peaks and forests accompany us.
Through a river and a kingdom. Medieval and modern fortresses, towers, hermitages, monasteries… culture, kingdom and defence: Canfranc, Artieda, San Juan de la Peña, Jaca, Portalet. Civil War etc, are emotional and cultural landmarks.
Two slopes. From the two slopes of the Somport, the relationship between Aragon and France flows naturally and historically. We are Via Tolosana.
One identity. Palotiaus as unique and unrepeatable events, or costumes as in Ansó, give spontaneous and natural form to our differentiating identity. From festivals to the daily life of popular architecture, an ethnological museum, a forge in Embún or a mill.
Religiosity. Jaca, San Juan de la Peña, Hecho, Castiello de Jaca, Santa Cilia, Sarracins… Romanesque with capital letters but also the hermitages, the milestones along the way, the relics as in Castiello de Jaca or the beliefs about nature and landscape.